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Credit (HE) Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this Procedure is to describe the process and requirements for granting Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning across Higher Education courses. This Procedure is a part of the Melbourne Polytechnic Assessment Framework and responds to the Assessment, Credit and Moderation (HE) Policy.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This Procedure applies to all Melbourne Polytechnic staff and partners involved in the assessment, granting and processing of Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning in Higher Education courses.

(3) The Procedure applies to current and prospective students of Melbourne Polytechnic Higher Education courses.

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Section 3 - Procedure

Applying for Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning

Guidance note: Credit and recognition of prior learning | Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency

(4) A student may apply for Credit Transfer or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) (Table 1) by completing and submitting a Credit (HE) Form prior to enrolment or at enrolment.

Table 1: A guide to selecting the right type of credit recognition
Type of Learning*
Credit Type
Specified credit
Unspecified credit
Block Credit
Formal learning – qualification (HE/VET)
Formal learning – subjects or unit of competency (HE/VET)
Informal learning and/or non-formal
*Definitions of types of learning can be found in the glossary.

(5) Submission of the Credit (HE) Form, must include all supporting documentation1 to evidence learning achievement [Applicants must supply official or certified supporting documents. Where documents are in languages other than English, official English Translations of documents must be supplied. The translated documents must have the official translation seal and signed by the translator or a translator accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters].

Applicants/Students seeking Credit for formal learning

(6) These can be any of the following:

  1. An Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Testamur issued by an accredited institution;
  2. an official academic transcript (record) (if study was completed outside Melbourne Polytechnic);
  3. a statement of attainment issued by an accredited institution; or
  4. an overseas qualification issued by an institution listed in the AEI NOOSR Country Education Profiles;
  5. the subject student outline (syllabus) detailing the learning outcomes and assessment of the subject undertaken.

Applicants/Students seeking Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning – formal and informal and/or non-formal learning’

(7) Any of the following can be included:

  1. An Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Testamur issued by an accredited institution;
  2. an official academic transcript (record) (if study was completed outside Melbourne Polytechnic);
  3. a statement of attainment issued by an accredited institution*; or
  4. a letter provided by a governing organisation (e.g. VIT).
  5. an overseas qualification issued by an institution listed in the AEI NOOSR Country Education Profiles*;
  6. the subject student outline (syllabus)* detailing the learning outcomes and assessment of the subject undertaken;
  7. A curriculum vitae (resume)*.

(8) A Statement of Service must include the following information:

  1. the company letterhead*;
  2. your full name;
  3. whether you were employed on a full-time or part-time basis;
  4. the hours you worked per week;
  5. your position title;
  6. the period of employment in the position;
  7. details of the duties of the position;
  8. a signature from your employer.

(9) Work documents that describe roles, tasks, achievements/job description*:

  1. Portfolios containing examples of work;
  2. Certificates from non-award courses, professional development, short courses;
  3. Documentation covering industry roles (committees, representatives) industry awards;
  4. Other corroborating evidence supporting claims of competency;
  5. Other documentation or evidence asked for by the assessor/International Partnerships (International Office).
*Required documentation.

(10) All copies provided of evidence documentation must be correctly certified.

(11) International Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning applications received by International Partnerships (International Office) prior to enrolment, will be initially reviewed to ensure the application and supporting documentation are complete. International Partnerships (International Office) will contact the student for additional information and/or clarification as required.

(12) All other Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning applications will be initially reviewed by the Course Administrator who will contact the student for additional information and/or clarification as required.

(13) A student must respond to any requests for information to progress Credit Transfer applications within 5 working days. Where a student does not reply to a request for information within the time frames, the Credit Transfer application could be denied on the grounds of insufficient evidence. Where an application has been denied due to late provision of requested information, students may reapply by submitting a new application.

Applying for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

(14) Applications for Recognition of Prior Learning require the provision of relevant documentation as listed above in evidence requirements.

(15) The student’s capabilities and performance will be assessed against the learning outcomes of the Melbourne Polytechnic subject(s) for which they are seeking Recognition of Prior Learning.

(16) The burden of evidence for a Recognition of Prior Learning application rests with the student. Evidence supporting the application must reflect the applicant or student’s current levels of knowledge and skills. All evidence will be verified.

(17) Informal advice provided by Melbourne Polytechnic staff about course credit is not binding on the Institute.

Assessing and Recording Credit Transfer/Recognition of Prior Learning

(18) Credit/Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) applications will be initially forwarded to the Head of Program for assessment and actioning.

(19) The Subject Coordinator assesses the academic suitability of the Credit Transfer/Recognition of Prior Learning against the following criteria:

  1. the Australian Qualifications Framework level of study;
  2. course/subject learning outcomes;
  3. currency of studies requirements;
  4. professional requirements (if applicable);
  5. current articulation agreements (if applicable);
  6. currency considerations.

(20) Specified Credit Transfer is granted for equivalent formal qualifications completed within the previous ten (10) years, prior to the year of application.

(21) Formal qualifications awarded more than ten (10) years prior to the year of application, may be considered where the qualification is recognised by external registration bodies and/or where currency of learning is established.

(22) Credit Transfer may be granted for subjects undertaken on a non-award basis, approved cross-institutional studies, or as part of an approved exchange program.

(23) Credit Transfer may not be granted for a portion of a subject.

(24) Credit Transfer may not be granted for a subject that has achieved a Conceded Pass grade.

(25) Unspecified and block Credit Transfer may be granted for formal qualifications completed more than ten (10) years previous to the year of application and may include whole sections of a course and/or electives. For undergraduate courses, Credit Transfer may be granted for subjects at any year level, excepting more than 24 credit points in the final year of the course. Some courses holding professional accreditation may also prohibit granting Credit Transfer in the final year and/or for capstone subjects. See also clause 36.

(26) For postgraduate courses, students enrolled in a nested course are granted full Credit Transfer regardless of whether the previous award is conferred.

Assessing and Recording Recognition of Prior Learning

(27) If the Subject Coordinator deems the application meets all requirements for RPL/combined Credit and RPL, documentation including an academic equivalency mapping will be forwarded to the Head of Program with a recommendation for approval.

(28) When assessing international applications, the Head of Program must also reference the Australian Government’s National Office for Overseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR) to determine the comparable Australian qualification and the equivalent AQF qualification level if appropriate for Recognition of Prior Learning/Credit Applications.

(29) The Head of Program checks allowable Credit Transfer limits for the applicant (see table detailing Credit Limits below) and approves Credit Transfers. All documentation is saved as per the Records Management Policy and Records Management Procedure.

(30) Formal, informal, and non-formal studies are considered under Recognition of Prior Learning. See Granting Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) below.

(31) Credit may be granted up to the value of 24 credit points for 1 – 4 years of full-time equivalent work experience, or up to 48 credit points for work experience of 5 years or more. The amount of credit granted is determined by the assessor and approved by the Director Higher Education.

(32) The decision to grant Recognition of Prior Learning rests with the Head of Program/subject coordinator qualified to teach and assess in the relevant discipline area.

(33) Applications will be assessed to ensure that previous learning is a comparable standard to the subjects within a particular Melbourne Polytechnic course.

(34) Each Recognition of Prior Learning application will be assessed against the following criteria and considerations:

  • Must be completed within 10 years of the receipt of the credit application or
  • more than ten (10) years prior to the year of application, may be considered where the qualification is recognised by external registration bodies or where currency of learning is established.
  • Must be of a comparable level, depth, breadth and suitability.
  • Demonstrate achievement of the subject learning outcomes.
  • Demonstrate achievement of the course learning outcomes were appropriate.

(35) Recognition of Prior Learning will only be transferred to full subjects. Melbourne Polytechnic will not grant partial Recognition of Prior Learning against subjects.

(36) The amount of specified and/or unspecified credit applied cannot exceed the volume (in Effective Full-time Study Load) of that prior learning.

(37) Melbourne Polytechnic reserves the right not to recognise part or all of all of a student’s prior learning where it is not deemed equivalent, or where credit/Recognition of Prior Learning is prohibited by course rules or due to the requirements of external accreditation bodies.

(38) Evidence supplied to support Recognition of Prior Learning Applications must be:

  1. Authentic: the evidence supplied must be genuine and refer to the applicant’s achievements and verifiable,
  2. Current: the evidence must demonstrate the applicant’s skills, knowledge and experience acquired within the last 10 years except where the applicant’s currency of learning is established,
  3. Sufficient: the quality, quantity and relevance of evidence supplied in support of the Recognition of Prior Learning application enables a judgement to be made on the applicant’s competency and achievements of the course or subject learning outcomes.
  4. Valid: the evidence supplied demonstrates the skills, knowledge, experience of the applicant that aligns to the relevant subject and course learning outcomes.
    1. If the Subject Coordinator deems the application meets all requirements for Recognition of Prior Learning/combined Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning, documentation including an academic equivalency mapping will be forwarded to the Head of Program with a recommendation for approval.
    2. When assessing international applications, the Head of Program must also reference the Australian Government’s National Office for Overseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR) to determine the comparable Australian qualification and the equivalent AQF qualification level if appropriate for Recognition of Prior Learning/Credit Applications.

(39) If the Subject Coordinator deems the application meets all requirements for Credit/Recognition of Prior Learning/combined Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning, documentation including an academic equivalency mapping will be forwarded to the Head of Program with a recommendation for approval.

Approving Credit/Recognition of Prior Learning Applications

(40) The Head of Program checks the application to see if it abides by Credit Transfer limits (see table detailing Credit Limits below) and approves Credit Transfers. All documentation is saved as per the Records Management Policy and Records Management Procedure.

(41) When assessing international applications, the Head of Program must also reference the Australian Government’s National Office for Overseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR) to determine the comparable Australian qualification and the equivalent AQF qualification level if appropriate for RPL/Credit Applications.

(42) Eligibility for Credit Transfer/Recognition of Prior Learning does not guarantee admission to the course.

(43) The following codes are used to record Credit Transfer granted for Higher Education courses. This includes formal, informal, and non-formal learning.

Credit transfer granted for formal learning equivalent in content and learning outcomes.
Credit granted for informal and non-formal learning or a combination of RPL and Credit Transfer

Credit Limits

(44) There is a standard limit to the number of formal Credit Transfer available for a course. These agreements do not prohibit any further institutional or individual learner negotiations for additional Credit Transfer where warranted.

Maximum credit available (%)
Credit points
Level 9 qualification (18-month Coursework Masters)
Level 9 qualification (2-year Coursework Masters)
Level 8 qualification (6-month Graduate Certificate)
Level 8 qualification (1 year Graduate Diploma)
Level 7 qualification (3-year Bachelor’s Degree)
Level 7 qualification (4-year Bachelor’s Degree)
Level 6 qualification (Associate Degree or Advanced Diploma linked to a 3-year Bachelor’s degree)
Level 6 qualification (Associate Degree or Advanced
Diploma linked to a 4-year Bachelor’s degree)
Level 5 qualification (Diploma linked to a 3-year Bachelor’s degree)
Level 5 qualification (Diploma linked to a 4-year
Bachelor’s degree)
Level 5, 6, 7 qualifications
(6-month Undergraduate Certificate)
A Melbourne Polytechnic Higher Education course generally comprises 96 credit points per year.

Notifying Students of Credit Transfer/Recognition of Prior Learning Decisions

(45) The Head of Program will advise International Partnerships (International Office) of the outcome of an international application. Where possible the student is advised of the application outcome with their offer letter.

(46) International students will be made aware that accepting Credit Transfers may have consequences that impact their visa conditions and course end date. Students will need to confirm specific course requirements with the Head of Program.

(47) Following assessment of Credit Transfer applications, students are notified of the Credit Transfer application outcome in writing as soon as practicable and wherever possible by the end of the third week of semester.

(48) Students will be made aware accepting Credit Transfer may affect study load and therefore their eligibility for certain payments (e.g. Centrelink).

Processing Credit Transfer/RPL Applications

(49) The Course Administrator forwards approved Credit Transfer applications to Academic Registry to process the result on the student management system and enter relevant notes on the student record.

(50) A copy of the completed Credit (HE) Form along with supporting documentation and decision outcome is retained by the relevant teaching area as per the Records Management Policy and Records Management Procedure.

Reversing Credit Transfer/RPL Previously Granted

(51) A student may amend or reverse an approved Credit Transfer by completing and submitting an Amend or Reverse Credit Granted (HE) form to HECredit. The student’s ID and course name will be included in the email subject heading with the application. The student is encouraged to discuss their request with the Head of Program prior to submission.

(52) The Head of Program reviews and as appropriate endorses the Amend or Reverse Credit Granted (HE) application before forwarding to the Director Higher Education for consideration and approval.

(53) Following the decision by the Director Higher Education, the Course Administrator will advise the student of the outcome in writing within five (5) working days.

(54) The Head of Program forwards the Amend or Reverse Credit Granted (HE) form to Academic Registry for processing within five (5) working days of notifying the student of the outcome.

Granting Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) below.

(55) Credit may be granted up to the value of 24 credit points for 1 – 4 years of full-time equivalent work experience, or up to 48 credit points for work experience of 5 years or more. The amount of credit granted is determined by the assessor and approved by the Director Higher Education.

Granting a combination of Credit Transfer (CRT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for a course

(56) For undergraduate courses, combined credit may be granted for up to 67% of the Melbourne Polytechnic Higher Education qualification and may include RPL, specifically:

  1. A maximum of 192 credit points towards a 3-year Bachelor’s degree.
  2. A maximum of 128 credit points towards a 2-year Associate Degree.
  3. A maximum of 64 credit points towards a 1-year Diploma.

(57) For postgraduate courses, combined credit may be granted for up to 50% of the Melbourne Polytechnic Higher Education coursework qualification and may include RPL, specifically:

  1. A maximum of 96 credit points towards a 2-year coursework Masters.
  2. A maximum of 72 credit points towards an 18-month coursework Masters.
  3. A maximum of 48 credit points towards a Graduate Diploma.
  4. A maximum of 24 credit points towards a Graduate Certificate.

Granting a combination of Credit Transfer (CRT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for a subject

(58) A combination of Credit Transfer (CRT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) may be granted for a subject:

  1. Where Recognition of Prior Learning demonstrates currency for over ten (10) years experience, this must be categorised as credit transfer.
  2. Where the combination is used to evidence a range of Subject Intended Learning Outcomes or Course Learning Outcomes, this must be categorised as Recognition of Prior Learning.

Cross-Institutional Credit Transfer

(59) A student may submit a request to the Head of Program to study at another institution if a required subject is not offered at Melbourne Polytechnic.

(60) The Head of Program assesses the request and advises the student of the outcome in writing within five (5) working days of receiving the request.

(61) On completion of the subject, the student must provide an official result statement (including result code definitions) from the other institution to the Course Administrator.

(62) The Head of Program verifies satisfactory completion of the subject/s. The Course Administrator forwards a completed Credit (HE) Form to Academic Registry for processing.

Credit Transfer for Exchange Programs

(63) A student may submit a request to the Head of Program to participate in an exchange program that relates to their course of study and for which they wish to receive credit.

(64) The Head of Program assesses the request and advises the student of the outcome in writing within five (5) working days of receiving the request.

(65) On completion of the exchange program, the student must provide an official result statement (including result codes definitions) from the awarding institution to the Course Administrator.

(66) The Head of Program verifies satisfactory completion of subjects completed as part of the exchange program and forwards a completed Credit (HE) Form to Academic Registry for processing.

Complaints and appeals

(67) A student who has concerns regarding the processing of a credit/Recognition of Prior Learning assessment related application (e.g. time delays) may contact the lecturer or Subject Coordinator to discuss their concerns. If the matter remains unresolved, the student may lodge a complaint using the Student Complaints and Appeals Policy and Student Complaints and Appeals Procedure.

(68) A student who has concerns regarding the outcome decision of a Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning application may contact the Subject Coordinator to discuss. If the matter remains unresolved, the student may lodge an appeal with the Head of Program within five (5) working days of receiving notification.

(69) The student must include evidence to support the grounds for the appeal.

(70) The student is advised of the outcome within ten (10) working days of submitting the appeal.

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Section 4 - Responsibility and Accountability

(71) The Director Higher Education is responsible for:

  1. Ensuring credit processes are applied across teaching areas.
  2. Approving Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning appeal outcomes.
  3. Approving Credit Transfer amendments or reversals.

(72) The Head of Program is responsible for:

  1. Liaising with students to discuss application and subsequent credit queries.
  2. Liaising with International Partnerships (International Office) regarding international student applications.
  3. Assessing Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning application against criteria and credit limits.
  4. Delegating tasks to staff as appropriate where academic judgement is required.
  5. Recording outcome of Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning applications.
  6. Advising International Partnerships (International Office) of Credit Transfer / Recognition of Prior Learning application outcomes for international students.
  7. Approving credit applications and where exceptions apply, organising for another Head of Program or Director Higher Education to approve a Credit Transfer application.
  8. Approving Credit Transfer amendments or reversals.
  9. Approving requests for cross-institutional study.
  10. Approving requests for exchange programs.
  11. Responding to appeals and reviews.
  12. Providing routine reporting on the granting of Credit Transfers and Recognition of Prior Learning as per course performance criteria which includes review and monitoring of student cohorts at risk.

(73) The Subject Coordinator is responsible for:

  1. Assessing and recommending the academic suitability of the Credit Transfer applications at the subject level.
  2. Recording academic mapping of equivalent subjects for Credit Transfer/Recognition of Prior Learning.

(74) The Course Administrator is responsible for:

  1. Entering the Credit Transfer application into the processing system.
  2. Coordinating the processing of the application.
  3. Forwarding the outcome of the credit application notification to the student.
  4. Notifying Academic Registry of credit processing.
  5. Retaining electronic copies of Credit Transfer/Recognition of Prior Learning applications and supporting documentation.

(75) The Standards and Registration Unit is responsible for:

  1. Advising and contributing to continuous quality improvement processes.
  2. Providing advice and guidance on processes related to Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning related matters.
  3. Undertaking regular reviews of Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning applications

(76) Academic Registry is responsible for processing Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning outcomes on the student management system.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(77) For the purpose of this Procedure see TEQSA Guidance note: Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning and the following definitions apply:

  1. Articulation arrangements: Create a defined pathway that enables a student to progress from a completed course of study to another course of study with admission and/or credit.
  2. Block credit: Block credit is granted towards whole stages or components of a course leading to a qualification in the form of a year or credit point equivalent. Credit may be granted horizontally across qualifications at the same level as well as vertically between qualifications at different levels.
  3. Course: An accredited qualification made up of a defined set of subjects.
  4. Course learning outcomes: Learning outcomes are the expression of the set of knowledge, skills and the application of the knowledge and skills a person has acquired and is able to demonstrate as a result of learning.
  5. Credit Transfer (CRT): Credit Transfer is a process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for components of a course of study based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched courses of study.
  6. Formal learning: Learning that takes place through a structured program of learning and assessment that leads to the full or partial attainment of a recognized AQF qualification or other formally recognized qualification.
  7. Informal learning: Learning gained through work-related, professional, industry, social, family, hobby or leisure activities and experiences. Unlike formal and non-formal learning, informal learning is not organized or externally structured in terms of objectives, time or learning support.
  8. Nested program: Course of study leading to higher education awards that include articulation arrangements from a lower-level higher education award into a higher-level higher education award. Nested courses also enable multiple entry and exit points.
  9. Non-formal learning: Learning that takes place through a structured program of learning but does not lead to an officially accredited qualification.
  10. Pathways: Allow students to move through the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) qualification levels with full or partial recognition for the completed course of study and/or learning outcomes they have achieved.
  11. Program: The nested set of courses leading to a qualification.
  12. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): Recognition of prior learning is an assessment process that involves assessment of an individual’s relevant prior learning (including informal and non-formal learning) to determine the equivalent credit outcomes of an individual application for credit.
  13. Specified credit: Specified credit is credit granted towards specific components of a qualification such as a subject deemed to be equivalent to that for which credit is sought.
  14. Subject: A discrete unit of study.
  15. Subject intended learning outcomes: Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) are statements about what a student will achieve upon successful completion of a subject.
  16. Unspecified credit: Unspecified credit is granted towards elective components of a qualification in the form of credit points.