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Special Circumstances for Refunds (Certificate I-IV) Procedure

This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this procedure is to describe the process and assign responsibility for the application of a refund for Certificate I-IV, where application is made on, or after, 28 days of the confirmed course commencement.

(2) This procedure provides a fair, equitable and transparent process for applying for and assessing applications for refund for domestic students.

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Section 2 - Special Circumstances

(3) Special Circumstances are determined against the following criteria and supporting documentation:

  1. are beyond the person’s control;
  2. circumstances did not make their full impact on the person until on, or after, 28 days of the confirmed course commencement for the unit of study in question; and
  3. make it impracticable for the person to complete the unit of study requirements for the period during which the person undertook, or was to undertake, the unit.
  4. the submission of the application being received within 12 months of ceasing training.

Beyond a Person’s Control

(4) Circumstances that are beyond a person’s control if a situation occurs that a reasonable person would consider is not due to the student’s action or inaction, either direct or indirect, and for which the applicant is not responsible. The situation must be unusual, uncommon or abnormal.

Do not make their full impact on the person until on, or after, 28 days of the confirmed course commencement

(5) Circumstances that do not make their full impact on the person until on, or after, 28 days of the confirmed course commencement for the unit of study if the student’s circumstances occur:

  1. before 28 days, but worsen after that date;
  2. before 28 days, but the full effect or magnitude does not become apparent until after that date; or
  3. on, or after, 28 days of the confirmed course commencement.

Make it impracticable for the person to complete the unit of study requirements

(6) Circumstances that make it impracticable for the person to complete the unit of study requirements may include:

  1. medical circumstances (for example, where a student’s medical condition has changed to such an extent that he/she is unfit and unable to continue the requirements of the unit of study);
  2. family/personal circumstances (for example, death or severe medical problems within a family, or foreseen family financial difficulties, so that it is unreasonable to expect the student to continue the unit of study);
  3. employment related circumstances (for example, where a student’s employment status or arrangements have changed so that the student is unable to continue his/her unit of study, and this change is beyond the student’s control.
  4. course related circumstances (for example, where Melbourne Polytechnic has changed the unit of study it had offered and the student is disadvantaged by either not being able to complete the unit of study or not being given credit towards the unit of study or course).

Exceptions to Special Circumstances

(7) Special Circumstances are not considered for the following:

  1. lack of knowledge or understanding of requirements of a Debit Success Tuition Payment Plan (TPP) for students who have entered into a contract with Debit Success; or
  2. an applicant’s incapacity to repay a Debit Success debt, as repayments are an agreed amount signed for, and confirmed upon enrolment
  3. lack of knowledge or understanding of requirements for applying for a refund
  4. you cannot apply for a refund for a unit of study that you have completed
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Section 3 - Definitions

(8) Debitsuccess Tuition Payment Plan: The payment option for students to repay tuition fees through a contracted Tuition Payment Plan (TPP) managed by a third party Debitsuccess. Debit success is part of the Transaction Services Group, providing full-service direct debit facilities in Australasia.

(9) Deferral: The student has elected to postpone study in a course or unit/s for an agreed period of time up to twelve (12) months duration.

(10) Refund: Reimbursement to the student of fees paid that are eligible to be returned.

(11) Withdrawal: The student has elected to cease training.

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Section 4 - Responsibility and Accountability

Upon receipt of an Application for a Certificate I-IV Refund under Special Circumstances form from the student:
  • Review the application with the Team Leader Student Hub.
Coordinator Payments and Refunds and
Team Leader Student Hub
All correspondence to be saved in Student Hub drive.
Assessment would include Students record on STRATA
Forward the student file and recommendation to the Certificate I to IV Special Circumstances Panel for review.
Coordinator Payments and Refunds and
Team Leader Student Hub
Panel comprises of;
  • Deputy Academic Registrar
  • Team Leader Student Services
  • Programs Representative
Review application and determine outcome.
Advise Coordinator Payments and Refunds of decision.
Decision on eligibility for a Certificate I-IV Refund under Special Circumstances must be made within 15 days.
Successful Applications
Update the student’s receipt record in the Student Management System and process refund
Coordinator Payments and Refunds
Notify the student in writing of the outcome.
Coordinator Payments and Refunds
Unsuccessful Applications
Notify student in writing advising of; 
  • The outcome
  • The right to appeal the decision
  • Timeline to request the appeal
  • Further provision of supporting documentation if applicable.
Timeframe for request to appeal is twenty-eight
(28) days from one day after the date on the outcome notice to the student.
Appeal Process
Forward appeal requests to;
Executive Director People and Student Success
Coordinator Payments and Refunds
Examine any new material/evidence submitted by the student and re-examine the original decision against criteria within 28 days of receipt of the appeal.
Executive Director People and Student Success
Successful Appeal Applications
Notify the Coordinator Payments and Refunds of the outcome.
Executive Director People and Student Success
Update the student’s receipt record in the Student Management System and process refund. Notify the student in writing of the outcome
Coordinator Payments and Refunds
Unsuccessful Appeal Applications
Notify student in writing advising the final outcome. 
Executive Director People and Student Success
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Section 5 - Supporting Documents and Templates

(12) Special Circumstances for Refunds (Certificate I-IV) Application Form

(13) Application for Refund of Fees

(14) Student Enrolment, Fees and Charges Guidelines