Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about:

  • the status, ownership, approval, review and implementation of this version of this document
  • contact details for who can help with enquiries about application and interpretation and
  • a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.

Because committees and positions can change over time, current information about policy approval pathways should be obtained from   

Assessment (HE) Procedure

Show Field Notes
Status Current Indicates if this version of the document is in effect (Current), yet to come into effect (Future), or expired (Historic).
Effective Date 9th November 2022 This is the date on which this version of the document came into effect.
Review Date 8th November 2027 The next review of this document is scheduled to commence on this date.
Approval Authority Executive Director Strategy Performance and Growth The noted authority approved this version of the document. The Policy Framework Policy defines the current positions and committees that have authority to approve policies and procedures
Approval Date 8th November 2022 This is the date on which this version of the document was approved by the authorised authority.
Expiry Date Not Applicable This is the date on which this version expires. It may still apply, conditionally, after this date.
Policy Implementation Officer Nicola Cooley
Director Higher Education
This is the designated subject matter expert and contact person for enquiries relating to content and implementation
Policy Owner Marc Blanks
Executive Director Academic Operations
This is the member of Executive with responsibility for the document
Author Nicola Cooley
Director Higher Education
This is the author of record for this version of the document.
Enquiries Contact Nicola Cooley
Director Higher Education
General enquiries should be directed to the officer/area listed.

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

This is the first document to be published in Melbourne Polytechnic's new Policy Register. It is basically equivalent to the document that was approved and in effect at the time the migration occurred, except for the numbering system and references, which have been updated to align with the new formatting and current requirements.

Clauses Amended:Procedure: All

Version History

Edition 7: Daryl Sadgrove, Executive Director, Strategy Performance and Growth – 8/11/2022 – The Assessment (HE) Procedure required a review as part of the Policy approval implementation plan. This review was conducted as per the Implementation Plan requirements by Higher Education Senior leadership team (HELM) and has been updated with minor edits to the text to support clearer explanation. Moderation techniques, that are supported by group and academic collaboration have been added.

Edition 6: Higher Education Academic Board – 3/02/2022 – The Assessment (HE) Procedure, reviewed and updated. This updated procedure:

- Allows academic staff to grant short term assessment extensions up to 48 hours without paperwork hence reducing time and effort for both staff and students.

- Simplifies the criteria for both extensions and special consideration applications and softens the language.

Edition 5: Academic Board – 6/12/2018 – Assessment (HE) Procedure, updated, with minor changes to Extension to due date of assessment (section 3.4) to clarify that assessments submitted beyond the approved extended due date without further approval will not be marked and a fail grade awarded. Marking and Results (section 3.7) amended to include the addition of an extraordinary CEM to approve amendments to previously approved results prior to submitting to Academic Registry for amendment on Strata. Additional note added (section 3.2) to review online tests and quizzes each semester.

Edition 4: Karina Davis, Director of College, Education, Training and Leadership – 25/04/2018 – Assessment (HE) Procedure, updated, with minor changes in section 3.6 due to changes in Examination and Invigilation (HE) Guidelines: both documents are now referring to the same roles. Minor addition to the Assessment Design and Delivery, task 1 - notes:

 – Refer to the latest version of the subject outline template for minimum information requirements. This information should be based on accredited Subject Outline which describes:

    – Learning outcomes;

    – Assessments, and;

    – Pedagogical approach.

Edition 3: Academic Board – 10/11/2017 – Assessment (HE) Procedure, updated. Assessment design and delivery including assessment submission has been added.

Timings for submitting applications for assessment extensions, special consideration and re-assessments amended. Criteria for assessment extensions and special consideration included. Alternative Arrangements for Assessment has been added to assist students with long standing and continuing conditions. Examination and invigilation management has been added.

Grading code descriptions have been amended to clarify the application of “WN” as a fail result for withdrawals after Week 9 of the semester. Students may be eligible to have an academic penalty waived under special circumstances. A section on marking and results that includes reference to broader use of Moodle reports for Result Review and Chief Examiners meetings. This will require results to be entered on Moodle progressively during the semester. The criteria for Letters of Commendation for high achieving students has changed to accommodate both full time and part time students. The HE Eligibility for Award Report will be removed from the role of RRM and CEM and be addressed following

result release as part of awards processes.

Edition 2: Professor Anthony Luff, Head of Student Experience and Educational Enhancement – 7/08/2015 – Higher Education Assessment Procedure - P/HE/P/3/040, rebranded. Change from Department Administrator to Course Administrator.

Edition 1: Brian McDonald, CEO – 3/01/2012 – New Higher Education Assessment Procedure – P/HE/P/3/040.