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Skills and Learning Recognition (VET and Foundation) Policy

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for granting Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for individual units of competency at Melbourne Polytechnic.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This policy applies to:

  1. current and prospective students applying for Credit Transfer and RPL for VET units of competency on Melbourne Polytechnic’s Scope of Registration;
  2. staff involved in processing applications and granting credit or recognition.

(3) This policy does not apply to:

  1. the awarding of Melbourne Polytechnic qualifications. This is covered by the Granting of Awards Policy and Granting of AQF Qualifications (VET) Approval Procedure.
  2. the granting of credit or recognition for Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subjects or VCE Vocational Major units. The process for this is outlined in the relevant Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Administration Handbook.
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Section 3 - Policy

Policy Statement

(4) Melbourne Polytechnic is committed to providing:

  1. recognition of existing skills, knowledge and experience
  2. alternative pathways to achieving an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification, without any duplication of learning
  3. access to diverse and inclusive pathways to lifelong learning, formal qualifications and improved employment outcomes.

Policy Principles

(5) The policy will adhere to the following principles:

  1. Credit and recognition are only granted if the unit of competency is on Melbourne Polytechnic’s Scope of Registration and where licencing and regulatory requirements allow this.
  2. Credit Transfer is only provided where evidence that relevant units of competency have already successfully been completed is able to be authenticated.
  3. RPL complies with the assessment requirements of the relevant training package or VET accredited course and is conducted in accordance with the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence stated in clause 1.8 of the Standards of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.
  4. Decisions are evidence-based, transparent and applied consistently, fairly and in a timely manner.
  5. Prospective and enrolling students are informed of the opportunity to apply for Credit Transfer and RPL prior to enrolment.
  6. Assessors with relevant qualifications, skills, knowledge and vocational competency and currency undertake RPL assessments. Recognition is only granted where such assessors are available.

Policy Topics

Informing prospective and current students

(6) Information on Credit Transfer and RPL for prospective and current students, including how to apply and how fees are calculated, will be provided on Melbourne Polytechnic’s central Skills and Learning Recognition webpage. This site will also include information relating to potential visa and fee implications for international students.

(7) Individual course information webpages will note that skills and learning recognition is offered to eligible applicants and/or provide links to the central Skills and Learning Recognition webpage for further information.

(8) Prospective students will be advised of the opportunity to apply for skills and learning recognition on enrolment; opportunities will continue to exist for current students to apply throughout their learning program.

Providing a case management approach

(9) Credit Transfers will be automatically applied for same or equivalent units recently completed at Melbourne Polytechnic. All other requests for skills and learning recognition must be commenced by submitting a formal application.

(10) All formal Credit Transfer and RPL applications will be submitted via Melbourne Polytechnic’s Skills and Learning Recognition webpage.

(11) The Student Hub will record applications and notify the relevant academic area that a Skills and Learning Recognition Application is ready for their action.

(12) The receiving area will appoint suitable person/s to ensure authentication, decision-making, assessment and resulting occur according to the timelines outlined in the procedure.

(13) The Student Hub will monitor the progress of applications, providing monthly reports to relevant Program Leaders (cc to Academic Managers) to assist with their timely resolution.

(14) When the matter is resolved, the academic area will notify the applicant, Academic Registry, Student Hub and where appropriate the International Office of the outcome.

(15) Records of the evidence, authentication and outcome will be retained in accordance with Melbourne Polytechnic’s Records Management Policy.

Granting Credit Transfer

(16) Credit Transfer will be granted where an applicant provides authenticated evidence that they have already successfully completed:

  1. unit with the identical code and title
  2. an equivalent unit of competency: that is, a unit equivalent in content and learning outcomes as defined by the training package/accredited course. This applies even where the unit may have passed through multiple iterations, provided that all intermediary units are equivalent
  3. a non-equivalent unit of competency where an analysis completed by the teaching department determines the studies undertaken meet the requirements of the requested unit.

(17) An applicant will be assessed as achieving RPL when they can provide evidence demonstrating they have developed competency through formal, informal and/or non-formal learning, including training, workplace and/or life experience.

(18) A Melbourne Polytechnic VET or Foundation qualification (including a Skill Set) may only be awarded where the applicant has been assessed as satisfactory in at least 20% of that qualification at Melbourne Polytechnic or through one of its Third-Party Providers. For that reason:

  1. a maximum of 80% of units granted as Credit Transfer that were completed at an organisation other than Melbourne Polytechnic or one if its Third-Party providers can contribute toward a Melbourne Polytechnic award.
  2. 100% of units assessed as satisfactorily meeting RPL requirements by Melbourne Polytechnic can contribute toward a Melbourne Polytechnic award.

Providing suitable evidence

(19) All evidence submitted to support a skills and learning recognition application must be able to be authenticated. For example, Melbourne Polytechnic must be able to confirm that it:

  1. was issued/belongs to the person submitting it
  2. is the person’s own work
  3. is an accurate representation of the original.

(20) Applicants are required to provide their evidence in the format/s requested and any permissions requested to assist with authentication. Skills recognition will not be granted unless authentication is obtained. The Executive Director Education Excellence may provide an exemption to this requirement in exceptional circumstances.

Request for Review of Decision

(21) Where an applicant is dissatisfied with the decision relating to skills and learning recognition, they should discuss their concerns with the relevant Program Lead in the first instance (within 5 working days).

(22) If the issue remains unresolved, the applicant can lodge a complaint in accordance with the Student Complaints and Appeals Policy.

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Section 4 - Accountability and Responsibility

(23) The Education Quality Committee is responsible for monitoring implementation of this policy and its associated procedure and reporting on this to the Melbourne Polytechnic Board.

(24) The Vocational Education Board and the Foundation Board are responsible for:

  1. monitoring and reporting skills and learning recognition practices to the Education Quality Committee;
  2. assuring there is evidence of assessment consistent with course and regulatory, accreditation and funding requirements;
  3. reviewing the performance of this policy and its associated procedure in their area of operation;
  4. initiating and overseeing progress and outcomes of quality improvement activities.

(25) The VET and Foundation Directors are responsible for:

  1. ensuring this policy and procedure are followed across all offerings;
  2. preparing twice yearly reports on Credit Transfer and RPL in their area for the Vocational Education Board or Foundation Board.

(26) The Director International Academic Operations is responsible for:

  1. ensuring all relevant international programs and international partners follow this policy and its associated procedure.

(27) The International Office is responsible for:

  1. ensuring all contracts with international partners clearly outline Melbourne Polytechnic’s requirements with respect to this policy and associated procedure;
  2. providing advice to international students on the potential impact of skills and learning recognition on their course length, fees and visas;
  3. providing an adjusted Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) to international students or notifying PRISMS of international students whose course length has been adjusted due to successful skills and learning recognition applications.

(28) Student Acquisition is responsible for:

  1. providing information to prospective students on Credit Transfer and RPL and how to obtain further information and/or apply.

(29) Marketing is responsible for:

  1. maintaining the Skills and Learning Recognition webpage in collaboration with the Directors VET and Foundation;
  2. establishing course webpage templates that enable inclusion of skills recognition information and/or links.

(30) Student Hub is responsible for:

  1. providing general information on Credit Transfer and RPL to prospective, enrolling and current students;
  2. assisting applicants to submit Skills and Learning Recognition Applications through the website;
  3. recording Skills and Learning Recognition Applications and notifying relevant areas they have been received;
  4. monitoring progress of skills and learning recognition applications;
  5. providing monthly reports on outstanding skills and learning recognition applications to Program Leaders (cc to Academic Managers).

(31) Academic Registry is responsible for:

  1. processing results for Credit Transfer;
  2. assisting teaching departments to determine the authenticity of AQF academic transcripts where difficulties arise at the local level;
  3. providing reports on Credit Transfer and RPL activity as requested by senior management, Committees and Boards.

(32) The Curriculum Unit is responsible for:

  1. setting the standard for assessment design and development across VET and Foundation Directorates;
  2. working collaboratively with teaching areas to develop exemplar RPL assessment tools for teaching areas to use as examples when developing assessment instruments.

(33) The Professional Teaching Practice Team is responsible for:

  1. providing professional learning to build staff expertise in implementing quality skills and learning recognition assessments and conducting competency conversations.

(34) The Academic Quality Team is responsible for:

  1. providing quality advice on requirements regarding informing prospective applicants;
  2. providing quality expertise regarding VET and Foundation skills and learning recognition assessments;
  3. contributing to continuous quality improvement processes.

(35) Managers are responsible for:

  1. managing and supporting the implementation of this policy and associated procedure in their area of responsibility;
  2. implementing actions to ensure skills and learning recognition applications are resolved in a timely manner;
  3. leading continuous quality improvement processes regarding skills and learning recognition in their area of responsibility.

(36) Program Leaders are responsible for:

  1. liaising with the Student Hub, Academic Registry and International Office regarding skills and learning recognition applications and results;
  2. responding promptly to queries and applications from prospective and enrolling students regarding skills and learning recognition;
  3. assigning and supporting staff to process skills and learning recognition applications, including checking the authenticity of the evidence provided;
  4. ensuring all RPL assessors are suitably qualified and vocationally and educationally competent;
  5. appointing and supporting assessors to:
    1. undertake analysis and mapping of non-equivalent units for Credit Transfer purposes where this is required;
    2. review, develop and/or implement suitable RPL assessment tools to meet the needs of each application;
    3. complete assessments in a timely manner;
    4. document decisions and advise applicants in writing of outcomes within required timelines.
  6. addressing requests for re-assessment and special consideration;
  7. contributing to quality assurance and continuous improvement processes;
  8. ensuring all records regarding skills and learning recognition applications and assessments are maintained securely as per the Records Management Policy.

(37) Assessors are responsible for:

  1. conducting RPL assessments in a manner that is valid, reliable, flexible and fair;
  2. ensuring the evidence assessed as satisfactory is valid, sufficient, current and authentic;
  3. completing assessments in a timely manner, ensuring feedback is provided and decisions documented within required timelines.

(38) Applicants are responsible for:

  1. applying for Credit Transfer and RPL
  2. providing valid, sufficient, current and authentic evidence in a timely manner to support their application
  3. preparing for and undertaking RPL interviews at agreed times
  4. providing information and links to assist with verification when submitting evidence to support their applications.
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Section 5 - Procedure

(39) The Skills and Learning Recognition (VET and Foundation) Procedure documents how this policy is implemented.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(40) For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions apply:

  1. authentication: determining if evidence provided is a true and accurate representation. For example:
    1. Was it issued/does it belong to the person submitting it?
    2. Is it the person’s own work?
    3. Is it an accurate representation of the original?
  2. Credit Transfer: credit is granted for a unit of competency already successfully completed at Melbourne Polytechnic or another Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or AQF documentation issuing organisation, such as a university. Such credit is also applied for successfully completed units of competency that are equivalent in content and learning outcomes as defined by the training package/accredited course. This applies even where the unit may have passed through multiple iterations, provided that all intermediary units are equivalent. Credit Transfer can also be granted in the case of non-equivalent units of competency where an analysis determines a combination of studies have been undertaken that meet the requirements of the requested unit.
  3. evidence: information gathered to support a judgement of competence against the relevant unit of competency. Evidence can take many forms and be gathered from several sources.
  4. formal learning: refers to learning that takes place through a structured program of instruction and is linked to the attainment of an AQF qualification or statement of attainment (for example, a certificate, diploma or university degree).
  5. informal learning: refers to learning that results through experience of work-related, social, family, hobby or leisure activities (for example the acquisition of interpersonal skills developed through several years as a sales representative).
  6. non-formal learning: refers to learning that takes place through a structured program of instruction, but does not lead to the attainment of an AQF qualification or statement of attainment (for example, in-house professional development programs conducted by a business.)
  7. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): a process that assesses the competency of an individual that may have been acquired through formal, non-formal and/or informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual meets the requirements specified in a unit of competency.
  8. unit of competency: the specification of the standards of performance required in the workplace as defined in a training package.