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Orientation (HE) Policy

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework that will deliver a successful transition, for undergraduate Higher Education students, to the academic, social and administrative aspects of study at Melbourne Polytechnic.

(2) Successful orientation programs are often linked to student retention.  Components of such programs include assisting students to appreciate the attitudes, and acquire the knowledge, skills and opportunities that will assist them in becoming valuable members of the Melbourne Polytechnic Institute community. 

(3) This Policy outlines the provision of orientation programs by Melbourne Polytechnic, to students prior to commencement of their course.  Orientation will be guided by Standard 6 Student support services of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code 2018).

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Section 2 - Scope

(4) This Policy applies to:

  1. Every Higher Education course at Melbourne Polytechnic, encompassing both commencing and returning students;
  2. All Higher Education students at Melbourne Polytechnic, including:
    1. Attendees;
    2. Late arrivals.
  3. Staff members responsible for the orientation of Higher Education students;
  4. Every Melbourne Polytechnic campus delivering Higher Education courses.
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Section 3 - Policy

Policy Statement

(5) Melbourne Polytechnic is committed to providing an orientation program where outcomes are consistent across all locations.

(6) The orientation program is designed to facilitate students' transition into the institute by:

  1. Facilitating connections with the Institute and the learning process;
  2. Promoting academic integrity as a core principle;
  3. Cultivating responsible conduct within a safe community environment;
  4. Assisting students in understanding and exercising their rights appropriately with consideration for the Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities;
  5. Embracing students into a learning community that values diversity, inclusivity, community engagement, and global citizenship;
  6. Instilling the notion of students’ responsibility for their own active engagement in personal growth and development;
  7. Showcasing the support mechanisms provided by the Institute for student growth and development;
  8. Ensuring equitable access to orientation information for students unable to attend initial sessions;
  9. Recording attendance at orientation sessions, including online access for latecomers, to ensure comprehensive information dissemination;
  10. Providing digital access to orientation materials for students who join later.

(7) Orientation is considered an integral part of the Higher Education Institute's schedule and will be marked in the academic calendar as the official commencement of the academic year for first-time undergraduate students at Melbourne Polytechnic, whether they start in the first or second semester.

(8) Each department and/or program is responsible for creating a compelling orientation experience tailored to their students' needs.

(9) Students are expected to participate in orientation before beginning their formal Higher Education courses.

Policy Principles

(10) This Policy will adhere to the following principles:

  1. Assist students to gain an understanding of Institute life, services and support areas;
  2. Assist students to better understand the requirements of their course and learning expectations;
  3. Provide a safe and supportive environment for continuous learning; and
  4. Promote appropriate and responsible behaviours supported by the Melbourne Polytechnic community.

Policy Topics

Orientation activities

(11) These will be held twice per year, at the beginning of the year (prior to semester 1) and mid-year (prior to semester 2).

(12) Activities will be scheduled in the week prior to the commencement of the semester across all locations.

(13) Orientation will comprise a range of activities that students can attend to familiarise themselves with:

  1. Medical and emergency services and relevant legal services that are available in Victoria;
  2. A thorough campus tour, demonstrating where and how to access various student support services, student resources and campus facilities; 
  3. Providing students with information about the course requirements, attendance expectations and expected learning outcome from their chosen course; 
  4. Providing advice to international students with respect to student visa conditions and how this relates to expected course duration, as well as where they can get ongoing help as it relates to their visa;
  5. Providing details on Melbourne Polytechnic internal complaints and appeal process, and the relating policy for this matter;
  6. Ensuring students understand their access to the Learning Management System;
  7. Ensuring students understand how to access and navigate the student enrolment and management system to manage their course plan and enrolment;
  8. Providing details of study assistance programs currently available, and from whom they can seek help;
  9. Advice to students of available consultation times and outlining the Procedure to book consultation appointments with Counsellors;
  10. Outlining how staff will interact and communicate with students, and so they are aware of Melbourne Polytechnic obligations in compliance with the Education Services for Overseas Students Framework as well as the potential implications for students that may arise from exercising these obligations;
  11. Providing students with an introductory workshop or module on Academic Integrity and Consent Matters;
  12. Informing students of where they can gain access to information and advice regarding their employment rights, workplace safety and issue resolution, and outlining the work of the Fair Work Ombudsman;
  13. Providing students with access to an overview of all relevant Melbourne Polytechnic Policies and Procedures to ensure that they are aware of their rights, obligations and the expectations of Melbourne Polytechnic; and
  14. the staff.


(14) Students are expected to attend course specific orientation sessions.

(15) International Students are expected to attend both the:

  1. International Welcome session; and
  2. Course specific orientation session.

(16) Students who commence studies after the beginning of semester will be provided with relevant information to assist their transition into studies at Melbourne Polytechnic.

(17) A shorter orientation program will be organised for returning students and students will also be invited to attend social activities as part of the main orientation program for commencing students.

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Section 4 - Responsibility and Accountability

(18) Department Manager/Service Area/Head of Program:

  1. Contribute to developing the orientation program;
  2. Participate in orientation program activities;
  3. Review activities annually to improve student experience;
  4. Incorporate improvements into subsequent orientation activities.

(19) Head of Program

  1. Advise students via email of course specific orientation sessions.

(20) Student Services

  1. Advise students via email and Thrive App of broader orientation activities.

(21) International Partnerships (International Office)

  1. Conduct Welcome session;
  2. Contact all International students regarding the:
    1. International Welcome session; and
    2. The course orientation session.
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Section 5 - Definitions

(22) For the purpose of this Policy the following definitions apply:

  1. Commencing student: A student who commences study in a course with Melbourne Polytechnic for the first time.
  2. Orientation: A compulsory session that must be attended (or the online equivalent viewed) when commencing studies at Melbourne Polytechnic.It consists of various academic and social activities designed to engage students with their course, staff, peers and their learning environment.
  3. Returning student: A student who has previously studied with Melbourne Polytechnic in the same course.
  4. Transition: Learning to adapt to a new environment both academically and socially including values and rules associated with study at Melbourne Polytechnic.