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Subject Cancellation (HE) Policy

This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The main purpose of this Subject Cancellation (HE) Policy is to provide a framework for cancelling subject offerings and ensuring students are not disadvantaged.

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Section 2 - Principles

(2) This policy will adhere to the following principles:

  1. Ensure students are advised of any subject cancellations as soon as possible to minimise impact on course progression
  2. Ensure alternative options are provided to students to progress with studies and ensure students are not disadvantaged
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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This policy applies to all Melbourne Polytechnic Higher Education courses, academic staff, current and prospective students.

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Section 4 - Subject Cancellations

(4) Melbourne Polytechnic makes every effort to avoid cancelling subject offerings in a particular semester and ensuring students are notified of any cancelled subjects as soon as possible to minimize impact. Before cancelling core, elective or pre-requisite subjects staff will ensure students’ will be able to complete the course within the required timeframes. Cancelled core subjects may be offered in a different semester. Any electives cancelled will be replaced with alternative elective options.  Any pre-requisite subjects cancelled must be scheduled for future semesters in the correct order to allow completion. Subjects may be cancelled at one or more campus locations.

(5) Subject cancellations may occur for a variety of reasons including:

  1. Low enrolment numbers making the subject unviable
  2. Lack of staffing resources due to serious illness, unavailability of staff member or insufficient expertise to deliver the subject
  3. Lack of facilities to effectively deliver the subject.

(6) The minimum enrolment number for a subject will be six enrolments. The Head of Program is responsible for monitoring enrolment numbers leading up to the semester and making a recommendation to the Head of School to cancel the subject along with alternative subject options. Students will be notified of subject cancellations as early as possible and no later than one week prior to the beginning of semester to ensure their enrolment can be finalised by the beginning of semester.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(7) For the purpose of this policy the following definitions apply:

  1. Core subject: a compulsory component of study within a course.
  2. Elective subject: a choice of optional subjects within a course.
  3. Pre-requisite subject: a subject that allows a student to achieve an appropriate level of knowledge before progressing to a more advanced subject of study within a course.
  4. Subject: a component of study within a course.
  5. Subject cancellation: a subject that due to internal or external reasons is removed from the list of subject offerings in a particular semester.
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Section 6 - Responsibility and Accountability

Determine staffing and resource requirements for subject offerings
Head of Program In consultation with Subject Coordinators
Where a staff member is unwell due to serious illness, make every effort to recruit alternative academic staff with relevant expertise
Monitor enrolment numbers for each subject leading up to the beginning of the semester
Head of Program and Course Administrator
Determine any impacts to students and their progression in the course due to subject cancellations
Head of Program
Consult with International Office regarding visa implications for international students
Make recommendation to cancel a subject along with alternative subject options to the Head of School
Head of Program
Consult with International Office regarding visa implications for international students
Notify students of subject cancellation as soon as possible and no later than one week prior to the beginning of semester and include alternative subject offerings
Head of Program and Course Administrator
cc International Office in all international student communication
Amend enrolment prior to the beginning of semester
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Section 7 - Supporting Documents and Templates

(8) Enrolment (HE) Policy

(9) Enrolment (HE) Procedure

(10) Subject Cancellation (HE) Procedure

(11) Quality Policy