(1) This Policy sets out the acceptable use of Melbourne Polytechnic (MP) Information Communication Technology (ICT) resources, including networks. (2) This Policy applies to all users of MP ICT resources including Board and Committee members, employees, contractors, employees of any contractors, volunteers and guests (Users). This Policy excludes student users for which a separate Acceptable Usage (Students) Policy is available. (3) This Policy applies to use of all MP ICT Resources, as defined below, located at campuses, office spaces, and in private homes or at any other location. It includes the following resources provided or funded by MP: (4) MP is committed to providing access to ICT resources to improve and enhance learning and teaching, and for the conduct of the business and functions of MP in a manner that is legal, ethical, and consistent with the aims, values and objectives of MP and its responsibilities to staff and other IT users. (5) Users are expected to use and manage these resources in an appropriate manner and in accordance with this policy. (6) This Policy will be guided by the following principles: (7) MP ICT resources are provided to users for business purposes. Other than limited personal use, MP ICT resources must be used for business purposes, or where authorised by MP management or required by law. (8) Users are allowed reasonable access rights to electronic communications using MP ICT resources to facilitate communication between employees and their representatives, provided that the use is not unlawful, offensive, improper or resulting in the breach of any MP policies and procedures including MP’s Code of Conduct Policy. (9) Large data downloads or transmissions should be minimised to ensure the performance of MP ICT systems for other users is not adversely affected. (10) MP ICT resources can be used for limited, incidental personal purposes as long as usage does not: (11) MP accepts no responsibility for personal usage that results in the: (12) In alignment with MP’s policies, the following uses of ICT resources is strictly prohibited: (13) Cloud services are permitted to store, process or transmit MP data provided they are assessed to meet MP information security requirements and formally approved. (14) It is the responsibility of the System Owner (requesting service), in consultation with the Information Owner, ICT Services, General Counsel (Legal Counsel) and Information Management and Security (IM&S) to determine whether a particular cloud service and its provider (CSP) can suitably maintain the required level of security and regulatory compliance on an ongoing basis. Guidance should be sought from MP Third-Party Information Security Risk Procedure. (15) The contractual agreement between MP and CSP must clearly specify contractual data protection terms that ensure that MP data is appropriately kept confidential, is not modified without prior consent from MP’s representatives, and is available to the institute as needed. (16) Access to the Internet is provided to MP staff for conducting business activities and incidental personal use. Any access by staff that is inconsistent with business needs or could result in the misuse of resources is strictly prohibited. These activities may adversely affect productivity and may result in MP facing loss of reputation and possible legal action due to other types of misuse. (17) MP filters and records any attempted access to Internet websites and protocols that are deemed inappropriate. The following list examples of categories of websites that may be blocked by MP: (18) If a website is mis-categorised, staff may request the site be removed from filtering by raising a ticket to the ICT Service Desk. Information Management and Security & ICT will review such requests in consultation with People and Culture, and Legal Services and permit access if the site is deemed mis-categorised and safe. (19) All work email communications must be undertaken using MP email accounts(@melbournepolytechnic.edu.au). This includes communication with students who must be contacted via their official student email account(@student.mp.edu.au) and no other personal email address. (20) Third-party email systems (such as Gmail, Hotmail, etc.) and storage servers (such as Dropbox, Google Drive) must not be used to conduct MP business including the storage of any MP related information. Additionally, Users are prohibited from automatically forwarding MP email to these third-party email providers. Any individual email messages that are forwarded by the individual to a third-party email provider must not contain MP confidential information. (21) MP email may be used for limited personal communication; however, staff must understand that email communications and social media are not private and should not expect privacy undertaking these activities. Notwithstanding, all personal information shared or stored remain personal information and should be treated as such. (22) When using MP email system, users must: (23) All emails sent from MP staff accounts will automatically have a legal disclaimer attached to them. It should be noted that the disclaimer does not preclude MP or the sender of the email from being liable for its contents. (24) Electronic communications including email and chat messages created on, sent or received using MP systems are the property of MP and may be accessed as part of an investigation. This includes investigations following a complaint or investigations into misconduct in compliance with MP’s policies, including but not limited to, Student Complaints and Appeals Policy, Prevention of Workplace Bullying Policy, Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy and Code of Conduct Policy. (25) Staff should note that electronic communications of current and former staff may be subject to discovery in litigation and criminal investigations. All information produced on users’ computers, including emails, may be accessible under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) in compliance with MP’s FOI Factsheet. (26) When sending faxes containing MP information from MP MFDs, the sender must ensure: (27) When using social media for private purposes (i.e. not via a MP branded account), Users must ensure: (28) Comments posted on behalf of the Institute (i.e. via a MP branded account) must be compliant with all MP policies. (29) MP’s policies around confidential information apply to social media, as such, all users are prohibited from revealing any confidential or proprietary information, trade secrets, public sector information, or any other material covered by MP’s Privacy Policy through any social media platform or public forums. (30) Users should familiarise themselves with MP’s Social Media Policy and ensure their activities online are in alignment with the policy. (31) Staff must be aware that misrepresentation, impersonation and false labelling will lead to a breach of this policy and MP’s Privacy Policy, this includes altering communications to convey false messages, impersonate sender identities, or recipients, using false labelling or trademarks. In such cases, individuals might unknowingly engage with impostors, expose sensitive information or act on fraudulent information. (32) If a user doubts the validity of a received message or the identity of the sender, they should take steps to verify the identity of the sender or validity of the message using alternative methods such as calling them. Users should notify their immediate manager or ICT or Information Management and Security (IM&S) if they suspect interception or modification of electronic messages. (33) Users are responsible for all activities conducted on MP ICT resources or through their MP accounts. Users should therefore continuously monitor activities and the physical access to their ICT resources, including laptops, mobile phones, tablets, and notebook computers and report any suspected unauthorised activities or access. (34) Users must ensure security controls to protect their ICT resources are followed consistently, including the following: (35) Information and records storage practices must comply with MP’s Records Management Policy and Records Management Procedure . (36) All information or records created, received, or managed by users must be retained until the minimum retention timeframe has been met. This may involve: (37) Once information and records have met their minimum retention timeframe(s) and appropriate disposal approvals have been provided, they can be disposed of in accordance with MP’s Records Management Policy and Procedure (38) Any information or records created, received or managed by users relating to their work at MP must be saved in Institute approved storage locations (either on premise or in the cloud). (39) In order to prevent risk of malware infections and loss of sensitive information, MP will not permit the use of removable media without the explicit permission of Information Management and Security. In the event that a removable media is required for performance of staff duties or when providing information required by state or federal authorities, ICT may provide the removable media to be used. (40) Any sensitive information stored on removable media must be secured in accordance with the MP’s Records Management Policy and Records Management Procedure. (41) Copyrighted material from third parties must not be used without the owner’s prior written permission or copyright licence when applicable (accessible on the owner’s website copyright page). This may include software, database files, documentation, cartoons, articles, graphic files, music files, video files, books, text downloaded information and any copyrighted materials. MP staff must send all written permissions to the copyright@melbournepolytechnic.edu.au mailbox for record keeping before using the material. (42) Forwarding, distributing, and sharing electronic messages, attachments and files greatly increases the risk of copyright infringement and users must assess the authenticity of the file ownership before distributing. (43) Copying material to electronic storage, or printing, distributing, or sharing copyright material by electronic means may give rise to personal or MP liability, despite the belief that the use of such material was permitted. (44) All users of MP ICT resources (including those dealing with Copyrighted teaching and research materials) should be familiar with all relevant intellectual property and copyright guidelines provided by MP including the Copyright Requirements for the Development of Teaching Resources Policy and MP Intellectual Property Policy. (45) The use, collection and disclosure of personal information when using ICT resources e.g. e-mail increases the risk of privacy and security breaches (46) All MP users must handle personal information MP is the custodian, in compliance with the Privacy Policy and information handling procedures to ensure its appropriate protection. This includes and is not limited to the use, the disclosure and the restricted access to appropriate personnel of all personal information when using ICT resources. (47) Only the minimum amount of personal information necessary to accomplish the purpose for which it is required should be transferred by e-mail. (48) MP will not disclose the content of any internal electronic communications created, sent or received on MP ICT resources to third parties unless that disclosure complies with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and is related to: (49) MP does not generally monitor staff emails, files, internet downloads or data stored on ICT Resources. However, the Institute reserves the right to access and monitor ICT Resources and network traffic for operations, maintenance, security, compliance, auditing, legal, and other purposes, including investigating suspected breaches of this policy or unlawful activities. (50) Access to the information gathered from the monitoring of emails, files and internet downloads or data stored on ICT Resources will be restricted to staff that require access to perform the roles associated with their jobs. (51) Reports and data from internet usage monitoring may be accessed by the ICT and Information Management and Security staff to aid in responding to an investigation of a security incident. Staff undertaking investigative procedures must adhere to MP’s Code of Conduct Policy. Such activities include, but are not limited to: (52) In the event a formal investigation is required, Melbourne Polytechnic will initiate an internal approval process requiring 2 levels of approval: (53) All users of MP ICT resources must: (54) If there is a reasonable belief that MP ICT resources are being used in breach of this policy, ICT services with guidance from the immediate manager of the person who is suspected of inappropriate use may secure the equipment while the suspected breach is being investigated. (55) Mobile phones and/or mobile devices may be provided to staff members who are required to work off campus, remotely or undertake a role where immediate contact is required. (56) The Director ICT Services will need to approve the purchase based on justification provided by the staff member’s supervisor, and sign-off by their Senior Manager. (57) General Conditions for MP provided mobile phones: (58) Your mobile device can contain confidential Melbourne Polytechnic information and access to Melbourne Polytechnic’s information systems. All staff are responsible for securing mobile devices when outside of Melbourne polytechnic facilities, including, but not limited to keeping the devices in a concealed and secure location when not in the staff member’s physical possession. (59) Any potential unauthorized access to mobile devices will need to be reported to Melbourne Polytechnic ICT who will investigate the incident. (60) Melbourne Polytechnic reserves the right to monitor device access to its information systems and device validation including, but not limited to operating system levels, patch levels, anti-malware status and database levels, and have to right to block access if any of these components are not within ICT approved specifications. (61) All mobile devices containing or providing access to confidential data owned by Melbourne Polytechnic or for use by Melbourne Polytechnic must use an approved method of encryption to protect data at rest. Mobile devices are defined to include laptops, tablets, and mobile telephones. (62) Melbourne Polytechnic mobile phones shall be managed under a Mobile Device Management (MDM) system which provides the ability to remotely locate, disable, lock and delete any data stored on the mobile phone. (63) For additional information on the usage and management of MP allocated Mobile Devices, refer to Mobile Device Usage and Management Standard. (64) Staff may use a personally owned device such as a laptop, tablet or smart phone to access MP Systems and Services provided the following conditions are met: (65) To ensure the security of MP information, any personal devices accessing MP systems or information must have up to date software and applications installed to address known vulnerabilities, including the following conditions: (66) Devices with known security compromises, vulnerabilities, or that can no longer receive software updates must not be used to access MP systems and information until these issues have been resolved. (67) Staff must not store sensitive, confidential, or personal MP information on personal devices. (68) To prevent risk of malware infections and loss of sensitive information, Melbourne Polytechnic will not permit the use of removable media without a valid business case and explicit approval from ICT Services and Information Management and Security. (69) In cases where removable media is required for performance of staff duties or when providing information required by state or federal authorities, ICT will provide the removable media to be used. (70) All removable media must be sanitised before it can be used on MP systems. (71) Any removal media provided for use on MP ICT resources shall not be used with any external or personal devices to reduce the risk of malware contamination. (72) Any information with a classification of OFFICIAL: Sensitive or higher (as determined by the Information Security Classification Policy and Procedure) should not be stored on external or portable drives unless explicitly approved by ICT Services and Information Management and Security with prescribed mitigating security controls including encryption implemented. (73) All removable media is to be recorded in a Removable Media Register developed, implemented, and maintained by the Information Management and Security department. (74) Media is to be labelled with protective marking in line with the Information Security Classification Policy and Procedure. (75) Media is classified to the highest sensitivity or classification of information stored. (76) Media is only used with systems that are authorized to process, store or communicate its sensitivity or classification. (77) Any media connected to a system with higher sensitivity or classification than the media is reclassified to the higher sensitivity or classification. (78) Before reclassifying media to a lower sensitivity or classification, or prior to disposal. The media must be sanitised, and a formal approval from the Records Services Manager be granted to reclassify and / or dispose of it. (79) Special care must be taken to physically protect the removable media device and stored data from loss, theft or damage. (80) Any lost or stolen removable media must be reported to Information Management and Security as soon as possible. (81) Removable media devices that are no longer required, or have become damaged, must be disposed of securely in accordance with Guideline – Records Destruction to avoid data leakage. (82) Removable media devices must be returned to MP during the cessation process of staff members. (83) To ensure the security and confidentiality of MP information and records all staff must maintain a clean desk when workspaces are unattended or outside of business hours. This requires all sensitive and confidential information, in electronic or hardcopy format, to be appropriately managed and stored to protect it from unauthorised access. (84) The following steps must be followed to maintain a clean desk: (85) Removable media including but not limited to CR-ROM, DVD, BlueRay and USB drives must be treated as sensitive and secured in a locked drawer when not in use by the owner. (86) ICT Services and Records Services reserve the right undertake spot checks as well as random and scheduled audits to ensure these processes are being followed, where any breaches are identified they may be reported to your line manager. (87) MP – Guideline Records Destruction must be followed when decommissioning an ICT Resources containing MP information. The data purging and sanitisation process outlined in the guideline must be followed when re-using ICT Resources and where sanitisation cannot be applied records must be destroyed. (88) Users who receive unsolicited offensive material from an unknown external source or a known source within MP must report it immediately to their Line Manager or Director who will determine if the Director ICT Services and/or Information Management and Security is/are to be advised. (89) All employees, contractors, employees of any contractor, volunteers or guests of MP must immediately report any data breaches (e.g. unauthorised access, disclosure or loss of Personal Information or Sensitive Information) or suspected breaches that come to their attention in alignment with the MP Data Breach Policy. (90) Violations of this policy will be regarded as a serious matter and appropriate action will be taken based on the nature of inappropriate use of MP ICT resources. Violation of policy may result in (91) A staff who fails to comply with a sanction under this Policy is guilty of serious or repetitive misconduct. (92) Serious or repetitive misconduct may lead to disciplinary action, including the revocation of staff account or suspension during investigations or termination of employment. (93) In some exceptional circumstances (for example where access to objectionable material relates directly to a user's employment or study with MP), subject to the approval of and at the discretion of authorised persons, an exemption may be granted for activities that would otherwise breach these guidelines. Exemptions may be required to be approved in advance by MP management. (94) When misconduct is suspected, MP reserves the right to audit and remove any illegal material from its computer resources without discretion. (95) All MP Employees are responsible for: (96) Information Management and Security team (IM&S) and Information Communication Technology (ICT) Services are responsible: (97) People and Culture are responsible for: (98) For the purpose of this Policy, the following definitions apply:Acceptable Usage (Staff) Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy
Policy Statement
Policy Principles
Policy Topics
Business Use
Personal Use
Prohibited Conduct
Cloud Computing
Email and Internet Services
Internet/Web Usage
Email Usage
Fax Usage
Social Media
Misrepresentation, impersonation and false labelling
Data and Information Storage
Copyright Infringement
Dealings in Copyright Protected Material for Teaching of Research
Confidentiality and Privacy
Access, monitoring, filtering and blocking
MP Allocated Mobile Phones
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Removable Media
Clean Desk Policy
Records Destruction and sanitisation
Reporting of Inappropriate Use
Violation of the Policy
Section 4 - Accountability and Responsibility
Top of PageSection 5 - Definitions
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