View Policies A - Z
This page provides a master list (in alphabetical order, by title) of all Melbourne Polytechnic policies and procedures (administrative, governance and academic). Documents that relate to the administration and management of the Institute are marked with a and are restricted to staff. Access to these policies and procedures is via staff login.
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- Capital Submission ProcedureThis procedure details how the central capital pool can be accessed by all departments across the Institute.
- Child Wellbeing and Safety PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to demonstrate Melbourne Polytechnic’s commitment to provide a safe environment that ensures the care, safety and wellbeing of all children and young people, that seeks to protect them from all forms of harm and abuse.
- Child Wellbeing and Safety ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to:
a. demonstrate Melbourne Polytechnic’s commitment to provide a safe environment which seeks to ensure the care, safety and wellbeing of all children and young people, and protect them from all forms of harm and abuse; and
b. describe the process and assign responsibility for child wellbeing and safety for all staff, volunteers, consultants and contractors. - Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) PolicyThis policy sets out a framework for the application of closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance systems at all Melbourne Polytechnic sites.
- Code of Conduct PolicyThe purpose of the policy is to help employees understand the responsibilities and obligations of working at Melbourne Polytechnic. The Code of Conduct is intended to be a central guide and reference for employees in support of day-to-day decision making. As a reference, it can be used to locate relevant documents related to acceptable standards of behaviour within Melbourne Polytechnic. This Code should be read in conjunction with the Institute Code of Practice – Financial, which sets out the standards of conduct expected from employees in relation to financial matters, with the Code of Conduct for Disability Service Workers which prescribes the behaviour expected of you as a disability service worker and your obligation to a culture of zero tolerance of abuse of people with a disability and with the Victoria Public Sector Code of Conduct which provides the foundation of the integrity and accountability framework for all public sector employees.
- Commercial Guidelines PolicyThe purpose of NMIT’s Commercial Guidelines Policy is to:
- demonstrate NMIT’s commitment to operating efficiently;
- minimise the risks when undertaking Commercial Activities, and/or establishing controlled entities; and
- set out the responsibilities and procedures for compliance with the Guidelines. - Common Seal PolicyThe purpose of this Policy is to establish the requirements, responsibility and accountability for the use of the Melbourne Polytechnic Common Seal.
- Compliance Management ProcedureTo outline the requirements for recording, prioritising and monitoring Melbourne Polytechnic’s (the Polytechnic) compliance obligations as part of an integrated risk-based compliance approach to support effective corporate governance.
- Conflict of Interest (Board) PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to protect against and manage conflict of interest, including to protect both Melbourne Polytechnic and all Board directors from any appearance of impropriety, to ensure public trust and confidence in Melbourne Polytechnic.
This policy sets out the procedures for the Melbourne Polytechnic Board to declare and manage conflicts of interest. - Conflict of Interest (Employee) PolicyThis policy states Melbourne Polytechnic’s position on conflict of interest, including the requirement of employees that conflict of interest is avoided wherever possible, or:
- Identified and declared; and
- Actively managed.
Employees will encounter conflict of interest and Melbourne Polytechnic acknowledges that not all conflicts can be avoided. They must however be identified and appropriately managed to ensure the highest levels of integrity and public trust in Melbourne Polytechnic and the broader public sector is earnt and maintained.
Melbourne Polytechnic has issued this policy to support behaviour consistent with the Code of Conduct for Victorian Public Sector Employees. All employees are required under clause 1.2 of the Code to comply with this policy. - Construction Induction (VET) ProcedureThe intent of this procedure is to describe construction induction processes and assign responsibility for effective implementation across VET delivery at Melbourne Polytechnic.
- Continuous Improvement PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to set out Melbourne Polytechnic’s approach to operational excellence through continuous improvement, as well as define cultural practices and principles by which improvement opportunities are identified.
- Continuous Improvement ProcedureThis procedure provides the guiding steps to undertake improvement at Melbourne Polytechnic (MP), outlining the process and clarifying the roles and responsibilities for staff when working to improve operational performance. This procedure is designed to support Phase 3 of the Melbourne Polytechnic Performance and Improvement Framework (PIF) called â€~Improve Performance’. (2) This procedure is supported by the Continuous Improvement Policy which defines the cultural practice at Melbourne Polytechnic and the principles by which improvement opportunities are identified.
- Contract Management PolicyThe purpose of this Policy to provide a clear and consistent approach to managing and administering contracts at Melbourne Polytechnic (MP) and ensuring MP complies with relevant legislative requirements.
- Contract Management ProcedureThe purpose of this Procedure is to establish a methodology and the requirements to manage Melbourne Polytechnic (MP) contracts.
- Copyright Requirements for the Development of Teaching Resources PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to outline copyright compliance for development of not-for-profit materials, both print-based and in electronic format, in which are publishes and/or sold (for cost recovery), are produced in accordance with the TAFE Victoria and Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) Agreement (CAL Agreement) and in accordance with the Part VB Provisions of the Educational Statutory Licenses - Copyright Act (1968 and subsequent amendment Acts). This document is informed by Intellectual Property Policy.
- Copyright Requirements for the Development of Teaching Resources ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to describe the method for developing not-for-profit materials in accordance with the TAFE Victoria and Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) Agreement (CAL Agreement) and in accordance with the Part VB Provisions of the Educational Statutory Licenses - Copyright Act (1968 and subsequent amendment Acts). This document is informed by Intellectual Property Policy.
- Course Delivery Set Up and Update (VET) ProcedureThe intent of this procedure is to describe the process and assigns responsibility for the set up and updating of VET courses and corresponding Enrolment Template/Training Plan on the student management system (SMS) to enable enrolments, record attendance and address government reporting requirements. Additional Notes: Teaching staff may prepare and or update Enrolment Templates/Training Plans as required provided they have completed training with Academic Registry. Managers can request staff training by emailing the Deputy Academic Registrar.
- Course Delivery Setup (HE) ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to document the process to set up or update an approved accredited Higher Education course on the Student Management System (SMS) and to address government reporting requirements.
- Course Design and Development (IAC) ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to describe the process for course design and development for all Melbourne Polytechnic’s Institute Accredited Courses (IAC).
- Course Design and Development (VET) ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to describe the process for course design and development for all Melbourne Polytechnic’s VET courses.
- Course Design and Development (VET, Foundation and IACs) PolicyThe policy outlines the principles and standards for the design and development of high-quality courses consistent with Melbourne Polytechnic’s Education Strategy. (2) Course design and development will be instigated following Product Portfolio Committee approval. At the end of the course design and development process, the course will progress through all required approval and governance processes, prior to being provided to the relevant teaching area to prepare for delivery.
- Course Development (HE) PolicyThe purpose of this Policy is to set out the requirements and approval process for the design and development of Melbourne Polytechnic Higher Education courses as well as for renewal of courses. The document now incorporates principles relating to course structure and course discontinuation.
- Course Development (HE) ProcedureThe purpose of this Higher Education Course Development Procedure is to outline the steps, processes, responsibilities and timelines which are essential to meeting mandatory external higher education requirements for accreditation or renewal of accreditation of courses.
- Course Discontinuation, Teach-out and Student Transition (HE) ProcedureThe intent of this procedure is to describe the processes that support course discontinuation, teach-out and/or student transition. The delegation of tasks and responsibilities are assigned for these processes, along with describing expectations for implementing, monitoring, and completion of Teach-out and Transition Plans.
- Course Review (HE) ProcedureThe intent of this procedure is to describe the process for review and continuous improvement of Higher Education courses through the quality cycle.
- Course Review (VET and Foundation) PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to: a. demonstrate Melbourne Polytechnic’s strong commitment to educational quality with respect to the courses we offer b. establish the principles, frameworks and processes to be followed that form Course Review of Melbourne Polytechnic’s VET training products.
- Course Review (VET and Foundation) ProcedureTo:
a. provide a framework for regularly reviewing and improving Melbourne Polytechnic’s VET training products
b. assign responsibility for implementation of this procedure. - Course Structure (HE) ProcedureThis Procedure describes Higher Education course structure and nomenclature including the alphanumeric coding system used to manage the identification of subjects offered by Melbourne Polytechnic’s Higher Education portfolio in relation to their relevant academic discipline descriptors.
- Creating, Changing or deleting a study area on the Institute's Websites ProcedureTo outline the process for creating, changing or deleting study areas on the website. Study areas are created (named) to help students find courses on offer in groupings that make sense to them and improve online searchability. They are not structured as per Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE’s (the Institute) departments.
- Credit (HE) ProcedureThe purpose of this Procedure is to describe the process and requirements for granting Credit Transfer and/or Recognition of Prior Learning across Higher Education courses. This Procedure is a part of the Melbourne Polytechnic Assessment Framework and responds to the Assessment, Credit and Moderation (HE) Policy.
- Credit Cards ProcedureTo ensure Melbourne Polytechnic credit cards are used for official Melbourne Polytechnic business only and transactions are scrutinised and approved by an authorised officer.
- Customised Electronic Student Training Plan (VET) ProcedureThe intent of this procedure is to describe the process and assign responsibility for creating a customised Electronic Student Training Plan (eSTP) to address individual students’ training requirements in order to comply with the TAFE VET Funding Contract. This procedure applies to new VET enrolments and reenrolments excluding Apprentices/Trainees. A customised eSTP is required for each student who does not enrol in the program as described on the Electronic Student Training Plan Template. For example; I. II. III. The student has elected to enrol in selected units and not the training as outlined on the eSTP Template; The student enrols after the unit of competency Start Date on the Training Plan template; The student Is undertaking gap training only; IV. The student is eligible to apply for RPL or Credit Transfers for one or more Unit/s of Competency.