View Policies A - Z
This page provides a master list (in alphabetical order, by title) of all Melbourne Polytechnic policies and procedures (administrative, governance and academic). Documents that relate to the administration and management of the Institute are marked with a and are restricted to staff. Access to these policies and procedures is via staff login.
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- Taxation PolicyThe aim of this policy is to ensure that Melbourne Polytechnic complies with all relevant taxation legislation.
- Teaching Staff Qualifications (VET and Foundation) PolicyMelbourne Polytechnic appoints staff to positions on the basis of meeting these specific requirements as contained in the position description.
Teaching Staff are selected to deliver training according to the specific requirements as outlined in National Training Packages / accredited curriculum.
Melbourne Polytechnic maintains a commitment to Professional Development of staff (refer A/PN/D/7/150) as a vehicle for continuous improvement of the delivery of training programs. Teaching staff have a minimum allocation of 38 hours professional development as part of their conditions of employment at Melbourne Polytechnic compared with the 30 hours provided in the MEA.
All staff in programs are required to complete a Vocational Competency Matrix form (A/PN/F/7/083A) on appointment and then subsequently at least on an annual basis, (refer Procedure A/PN/P/7/083). It is also a requirement to complete (A/PN/F/7084) Annual Work Plan and Individual Professional Development Plan refer Procedure (A/PN/P/7084). - Third Party Reporting to ASQA (VET and Foundation) ProcedureThe intent of this procedure is to outline the process to be followed for reporting Third Party Agreements to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), the National Regulator for the VET Sector, as required by Clause 8.3 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.
- Third-Party Information Security Risk ProcedureThis newly developed procedure outlines the information security risk management processes that should be followed when engaging Suppliers (also referred to as Third-Parties) at Melbourne Polytechnic (MP) in line with the requirements of MP Information Security Risk Policy and the Privacy Policy.
- Timetabling ProcedureTo provide details of the process for all centrally-timetabled teaching spaces which is carried out through the Coordinator timetabling in the Facilities and Assets Department.
- Trainers Under Supervision (VET and Foundation) PolicyThis policy outlines the arrangements for trainers who need to work under supervision as they do not meet the requirements outlined in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (SRTOs) to train and assess without supervision.
- Trainers Under Supervision (VET and Foundation) ProcedureThis procedure describes the process and assigns responsibility for engaging and supervising individuals who need to work as Trainers Under Supervision as they do not meet the requirements outlined in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 (SRTOs) to train and assess without supervision.
- Transition of Students and Training Products (VET and Foundation) ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to: a. demonstrate Melbourne Polytechnic’s strong commitment to ensuring our learners have every opportunity to satisfactory achieve their learning goals b. describe the process and assign responsibility for effectively transitioning out of training products that are superseded, expiring, deleted or removed.
- Treasury and Investment Risk PolicyThe purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework for the efficient and prudent management of treasury and investment risks at Melbourne Polytechnic.
- Tuition Payment Plan (Debitsuccess) ProcedureThis procedure outlines the process of setting up a Tuition Payment Plan (Debitsuccess) for tuition fees.