View Policies A - Z
This page provides a master list (in alphabetical order, by title) of all Melbourne Polytechnic policies and procedures (administrative, governance and academic). Documents that relate to the administration and management of the Institute are marked with a and are restricted to staff. Access to these policies and procedures is via staff login.
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- Re-credit of FEE-HELP Debt under Special Circumstances PolicyThe purpose of the Re-credit of FEE-HELP Debt under Special Circumstances Policy is to set out the framework within which Melbourne Polytechnic receives, reviews and responds to applications for remission of debt for domestic students for up-front payments, HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP, VET Student Loans.
- Re-credit of FEE-HELP Debt under Special Circumstances ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to describe the process and assign responsibility for the re-credit of fees for Upfront Payments, HECS Help, FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans, where application is made after the census date. This procedure provides a fair, equitable and transparent process for applying for and assessing applications for re-credit of debts for domestic students in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003, the VET Student Loans Act 2016 and associated guidelines. All students are entitled to apply for a re-credit of debt where demonstrable and verifiable compelling, compassionate or Special Circumstances either prevent the completion of a unit of study or course or result in a fail grade of a unit of study or course.
- Re-enrolment and Addition to Enrolment (HE) ProcedureThe intent of this procedure is to assign responsibility for the process to be followed for re-enrolments and addition to enrolments for all HE programs.
- Re-enrolment and Addition to Enrolment (VET) ProcedureThe intent of this procedure is to describe the process and assign responsibility for processing reenrolments. The actions of this procedure cover re-enrolments, addition to enrolments and/or correcting enrolment errors.
- Recording Academic Results (VET) ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to: a. assign responsibility for entering VET academic results on the Student Management System (SMS); b. advise on the timeline approved by the Executive Leadership Team for entering final results; c. ensure compliance with the Evidence of Participation and reporting requirements under the TAFE VET Funding Contract; and d. ensure compliance with ASQA’s Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.
- Recording Attendance (VET) PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to outline the process for accurate attendance recording in line with reporting and funding requirements of both Federal and State Governments.
- Recording Attendance (VET) ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to outline the process for accurate recording of attendance in line with reporting and funding requirements of both Federal and State Governments.
- Recording Student Suspensions on the Student Management System ProcedureTo ensure the appropriate authority is given for flagging and unflagging students on the Student Management System (SMS).
- Records Management PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to ensure Melbourne Polytechnic (MP) records and maintains accessible evidence of business decisions and actions in accordance with Recordkeeping Legislation, including the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic) and Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) Standards.
- Records Management ProcedureThis procedure details the processes, steps and responsibilities that must be observed to ensure that Records of Melbourne Polytechnic (MP) of business decisions and actions are accessible and managed in accordance with MP’s Records Management Policy, Victorian Recordkeeping Legislation and Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) Standards.
- Recruitment - Appointment of Staff Following Advertisement ProcedureTo appoint staff selected as a result of advertisement.
- Recruitment - Appointment to Non-Advertised Positions ProcedureTo appoint staff to positions not advertised.
- Recruitment - Processes for Selection ProcedureTo define processes related to selection.
- Recruitment - Request to Fill a Vacancy ProcedureTo ensure that all requests to fill a vacancy are approved prior to advertisement and advertisements are prepared and distributed.
- Recruitment and Selection (Casual Staff) ProcedureMelbourne Polytechnic aims to attract and retain high quality and diverse candidates and to ensure the principles of equity, fairness and transparency are applied to all recruitment, selection and appointment activities. This procedure has been developed to provide guidance on the process to be followed for all recruitment and selection of casual positions at Melbourne Polytechnic.
This will ensure that:
- appointments are based on merit as determined by agreed Key Selection Criteria and/or Duty Statement, experience, knowledge and required qualifications;
- appointments are in line with the principles of equity and equal opportunity employment;
- all recruitment activities are conducted in a timely and cost effective manner in line with strategic and operational plan;
- applicants have a positive experience of Melbourne Polytechnic’s culture.
This procedure should be read in conjunction with Melbourne Polytechnic Recruitment and Selection Policy. - Recruitment and Selection PolicyMelbourne Polytechnic is committed to recruiting a diverse workforce and applying the principles of equity, fairness and transparency to all recruitment, selection and appointment processes. This policy has been developed to ensure that best practice strategies and merit-based processes are applied to recruit high quality and experienced applicants.
- Refund of Fees ProcedureThis procedure outlines the eligibility requirements, processes and actions required for the assessment and application of a refund of student fees.
- Remuneration of Board and Committees PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to demonstrate the standard processes and principles for remunerating Board and Committee members of Melbourne Polytechnic, consistent with external Victorian Government legislation, guidelines and advice.
- Replacement of Qualification ProcedureThe intent of this procedure is to document the process to be followed for the replacement of qualifications.
- Reporting Brokering Services (VET) ProcedureThe intent of this procedure is to provide the process to be followed for reporting Brokering Services to the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (the Department) in line with Clause 7.2 Reporting of Subcontract Arrangements for Brokering Services of the 2024-25 TAFE VET Funding Contract.
- Request to Cancel or Defer a Course (VET) ProcedureThe intent of this procedure is to gain approval from the Director Vocational Education and Training (VET) or the Director Foundation, as appropriate, to either 'cancel' a course or 'defer' the commencement date of a course that has been published on the Melbourne Polytechnic website due to low enrolment numbers or other factors. This procedure is to be used in circumstances where a course will not commence on the date published on the Melbourne Polytechnic website.
- Revenue Recognition PolicyThe primary purpose of this policy is to ensure that revenue is accounted for consistently, promptly and accurately in accordance with relevant accounting standards and principles.
- Risk and Compliance Management PolicyTo establish risk and compliance management practices that are consistent with Australian and International Standards and that are integrated into Melbourne Polytechnic’s governance, management and planning activities. (2) The Risk Management Procedure and Compliance Management Procedure document how to comply with this policy. (3) The Risk Management Framework and Compliance Management Framework provide an overarching framework for the policies, procedures, structures and tools that are aimed at identifying and managing the Polytechnic’s risk and compliance obligations.
- Risk Assessment MatrixA matrix that facilitates the consistent assessment and measurement of risk across the Polytechnic. It allows for the prioritisation of assessed risks and the determination of appropriate risk control measures and their importance in managing the risks.
- Risk Management FrameworkThe Risk Management Framework provide an overarching framework for the policies, procedures, structures and tools that are aimed at identifying and managing the Polytechnic’s risk and compliance obligations.
The Risk Management Framework provides the tools and guidance for risk management to be performed in a consistent, proportional and prioritised manner. It outlines the different processes related to the Polytechnic’s risk management, so that it is accessible Polytechnic wide, thus instilling a risk conscious culture. - Risk Management ProcedureTo outline a systematic process for risk management that is aimed at managing adverse effects on Melbourne Polytechnic (the Polytechnic) while realising opportunities. (2) This procedure applies to all staff of Melbourne Polytechnic and is pursuant to the Risk and Compliance Management Policy. It has the following schedules: (3) Schedule A: Risk Tolerances and Risk Assessment Matrix.