View Policies A - Z
This page provides a master list (in alphabetical order, by title) of all Melbourne Polytechnic policies and procedures (administrative, governance and academic). Documents that relate to the administration and management of the Institute are marked with a and are restricted to staff. Access to these policies and procedures is via staff login.
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- PACCT TOIL Close Down ProcedureTo provide a process for Time Off in Lieu application and approval to participate in arrangement under Clause 46 of the Melbourne Polytechnic Academic and Professional Staff Agreement 2018.
- Paid Participation PolicyPaid Participation recognises the valuable specialised and expert contributions made by people who have experience, expertise or knowledge Melbourne Polytechnic seeks and utilises in the development of training products or services for our staff or students. This policy sets out clearly how much Melbourne Polytechnic will pay, when and for what, so that individuals understand the organisation’s position prior to engagement. It commits Melbourne Polytechnic to plan and budget for people’s participation, however, like any organisation, Melbourne Polytechnic has resource constraints and may not be in a position to provide payment for participation in every activity.
- Parking PolicyThis policy outlines the parking arrangements across Melbourne Polytechnic campuses.
- Parking ProcedureThe intent of this procedure is to provide details for parking at Melbourne Polytechnic campuses.
- Payroll PolicyThe purpose of this Policy is to provide for the effective management of payroll services at Melbourne Polytechnic
- Per Diem PolicyThis policy informs employees of their entitlements associated with reimbursement of expenses incurred by them for Institute’s related business.
- Permission to Use and Publish - Personal Content ProcedureFor staff to obtain permission on behalf of Melbourne Polytechnic (the Institute) to take photographs, film and/or interview a student, staff and or visitor to the Institute and then use this Personal Content by copying, communicating and publishing said materials, for educational, promotional and/or largescale marketing use/campaigns.
- Permission to Use and Publish - Student Created Materials ProcedureFor staff to obtain permission for Melbourne Polytechnic (the Institute) to copy and communicate material(s) created by students, for not-for-profit / non-commercial educational use.
- Personal Information Management ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to:
a. Provide guidance to employees about appropriate use of personal and sensitive information together referred as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and/or health information referred as Protected Health Information (PHI) within business operations;
b. Encourage all Melbourne Polytechnic (MP) employees to take a proactive privacy approach and support employees’ privacy compliance in day-to-day decision making;
c. Detail MP employees’ obligations for reporting and managing potential privacy breaches and related complaints. - Policy Framework PolicyThis Policy Framework provides the overarching structure that guides how policies and procedures will be developed, approved, communicated and reviewed.
The Policy Framework policy:
a. governs and ensures a consistent approach to policy management to ensure policies and procedures are aligned to, and address:
i. Melbourne Polytechnic’s strategic objectives; and
ii. Government legislation, and industrial requirements.
b. defines accountability and responsibilities; and
c. outlines steps to ensure that policies and procedures are effectively implemented and well understood across Melbourne Polytechnic. - Policy Management ProcedureThe Policy Management Procedure steps out the requirements established under this Policy Framework Policy, approved by MP Board on 19 February 2024. Specific processes include:
1. Policy Owners approving minor amendments to their documents after checking in with Policy Office that the proposed changes fit within the definition of Minor Amendment.
2. A reduction to the number of policies requiring approval from MP Board to speed up the renewal of important policies and procedures that now have a more direct route to approval.
3. The policy review period has been extended from 3 to 5 years.
4. The two-week Institute wide consultation requirement has been phased out. The Policy Owner will decide proportionate consultation for each policy document using the Policy Consultation Guidelines.
5. Executive Directors wanting to introduce new policies and procedures will need to complete the New Policy Proposal Form. MP needs to reduce its policy set in line with the direction of the new five-year Strategic Plan and vision. - Pre-Training Review (VET) ProcedureThe process undertaken with a prospective student to determine the most suitable course for that individual student based on their skill level, career interests and aspirations.
- Prevention of Workplace Bullying PolicyMelbourne Polytechnic is committed to the provision of a safe work environment which is free from bullying for all employees. Workplace bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Disciplinary action which may lead to termination of employment will be taken against any employee who breaches this policy.
- Privacy Impact Assessment ProcedureThis procedure provides instructions for determining whether Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and/or Protected Health Information (PHI) is processed as part of Melbourne Polytechnic (MP) projects or in business systems. It assesses the potential risks associated with the handling of PII and the recommended mitigation strategies required to meet MPs regulatory and legal obligations and reduce the risk to a level deemed acceptable by the process / system owner. This Procedure details the circumstances when employees must conduct a Privacy Impact Threshold Analysis (PITA) and Privacy Impact Assessment in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
- Privacy PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to:
a. Define Melbourne Polytechnic’s (MP) obligations for handling, personal sensitive information together referred as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and/or health information referred as Protected Health Information (PHI) of former, current and prospective employees, students, visitors and all individuals with whom it has business dealings;
b. Outline MP employees’ obligations and encourage all employees to take a proactive approach to privacy; and
c. Detail MP’s obligations for investigating and responding to individuals’ complaints related to privacy incidents/breaches. - Procurement (Grievance) ProcedureMelbourne Polytechnic (MP) is committed to ensuring that any grievances or complaints raised by Suppliers regarding MP’s Procurement Process for goods and/or services are addressed in a prompt, fair and consistent manner.
The intent of this Procedure is to describe the process and assign responsibility for the management of grievances or complaints made by Suppliers regarding procurement related matters.
This Procedure is to be used for procurement complaints only. Other matters can be dealt with in accordance with MPs Continuous Improvement Policy and Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy. - Procurement PolicyThe purpose of this Procurement Policy (Policy) is to maintain an effective internal control framework for procurement activities to ensure they are managed in line with Melbourne Polytechnic’s (MP’s) business needs and objectives and legal obligations.
- Procurement ProcedureThe purpose of these procedures is to detail how to undertake procurement for goods and services and constructions related works and services in accordance with Melbourne Polytechnic’s (MP) Procurement Policy. The objective is to:
• enable procurers to make a clear decision in line with policy,
• achieve high standards of transparency, accountability and probity,
• ensure compliance with relevant policies and regulatory obligations,
• establish a consistent approach to procurement at MP,
• encourage rigour and consistence in the procurement process, and
• undertake procurement to deliver outcomes that contribute to delivering MP’s Vision of:
“Developing the capabilities of students and industry to thrive in a rapidly changing world.” - Professional Development Application ProcedureTo initiate a request for professional development activity and subsequent approval/recording of professional development.
- Program Delivery Outside Australia ProcedureTo describe the process for delivering a Melbourne Polytechnic program offshore when a legal agreement and all necessary local approvals are in place. This procedure applies to all commercial international activities where Melbourne Polytechnic provides a Melbourne Polytechnic program to or with a party outside Australia. It covers establishment of a joint teaching plan, delivery plans for specific intakes, teaching and assessment, but not the issuing of awards.
- Promotional Documentation PolicyThis policy outlines the centralised approach for all courses and institute promotional material (see list below under Categories of NMIT Promotional Material). The purpose is to manage the development, authorisation and usage of promotional material to ensure the maintenance of a consistent brand identity and message.
- Protected Disclosure PolicyThis policy establishes a system for ensuring the protection of persons who make a protected disclosure under the Protected Disclosures Act 2012 (Vic) (the Act) from detrimental action by officers, members, employees and contractors of Melbourne Polytechnic in accordance with Section 58 (5) of the Act and ensures all other requirements of the Act are met. The objects of the Act are to:
- to encourage public officers to report wrongdoing within or by their organisation, or others of the wrongdoing of public officers
- to ensure effective action, including investigation by investigating entities, in response to reports
- to ensure those who report wrongdoing are supported and protected from reprisal.
The following policy adheres to the Protected Disclosure ACT 2012 requirement for (where applicable):
- secure information management systems for the receipt, storage, assessment and notification of protected disclosures, including:
- an internal reporting structure
- identification of the roles and responsibilities of those in the reporting structure
- a secure process for receiving verbal or written disclosures
- the selection of a person(s) identified as a person who can receive disclosures (Protected Disclosure Coordinator)
- a secure means of notifying IBAC of assessable disclosures
- education and training for selected personnel in receipt, handling, assessing and notifying of disclosures, and welfare management of persons associated with a protected disclosure
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